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Introduction to Handgun course

Course level
2 hours
75-100 rounds

This 2 hour class is designed to teach the student the basic knowledge and attitudes necessary for selecting, owning, and using the pistol of their choice safely and effectively.

Topics covered include: Safe gun handling, weapon selection, firearm nomenclature and manipulation, ammunition options and applications, storage & maintenance, fundamentals of pistol shooting including, grip options, stance options, sighting fundamentals, and trigger control. This class will qualify students to apply for a Florida Concealed Weapon or Firearm License.

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There is no equipment required. Handgun, and Eye & Ear Protection Rental are Included in the Course Fees.

If you have a handgun, feel free to bring it. Please keep in mind that all firearms must be unloaded and safely stored. Before entering the building, place your handgun and eye and ear protection in the encased and leave it there until the instructor instructs you otherwise. In this class, you will shoot 75-100 rounds per person. Ammunition can be purchased at the range, or you can bring your own.